Cheap Cartier Crash Replica Watch Returns

This is one of the irresistible stories, no matter how many times was told or sick how detailed, these stories are discussed. It involves Cartier, which is one of the world’s most mysterious and most popular watches and jewelry brands, this story makes the watch collection value.

2013 Cartier Crash Limited edition will debut at SIHH

A few years ago, I noticed an old-fashioned Cheap Cartier Replica that seemed to be melting the same. I hardly believe it is true. It does not have a name or detail, but I realize that something must be special. I later learned that it was a Cartier crash. Originally produced in 1967 and early 1990, as a limited edition, this extremely rare watch, is the impact of the design of the emotional and the luxury of the world’s unique proof. Cartier will be issued in 2013, a limited edition “Crash” watch, as the bracelet on the high-end jewelry. Although this new version and the original theme of a great gap, but it is necessary to see Cartier continue to collapse legend.

Obviously in England, “collision” is another term in the car accident. This is exactly what the design of the seed watch. In the mid-sixties of the twentieth century, Cartier Replica vice president died in London due to an accident. This crash caused the fire to burn his body and then burned the Cartier watch. The stuff burning on his wrist happens to be tall rectangular Bagnoire Alongee. The watch survived – well. After the incident, Cartier is very interested in what happened on the body of the corpse, even though I should do so. They scrutinized and found that the case had melted as if it were in Dali. Whether it is enough LSD or vice president of death now has a deep emotional contact, Cartier decided to make a look like a melting Bagnoire Alongee Cartier Replica Watches. It certainly became the crash of Cartier – a super strange watch for men, perfectly into the art scene of the times. For more history, you can consult Richard Paige’s article, Richard Paige is the person who originally created the time zone.

Fast forward to the present, “crash” to become an avant-garde ladies watch, with gold bracelet on the diamond. Is not entirely a logical extension of the collection, but in 2013 to keep track of Cartier’s unique products. Simple leather strap on the original gold style is now equipped with 18k pink or white gold “teardrop link” bracelet high means Although the bracelet is optionally covered with diamonds, but the 2013 limited edition of all versions are diamond cover. It’s a bit unfortunate because the diamond decoration on the case hides some of the more interesting “melted” details of the original. The Cheap Replica Watches appearance of the “drops” still exists, but the 2013 version is more polished and clean than the odds of the original. Also note how the original indicates that the origin of the watch is London, and the modern version only attaches a typical “Made in Switzerland” mark to the dial.

Larger than the original, 2013 Cartier watch will be 25.5 mm wide and 38.45 mm high. The interior will be manually mechanically moved throughout the 2013 collection will be limited to 267 pieces / model with standard bracelet and 67 pieces with full diamond cover bracelet. All the gold has a stone of 2.15 or 4.27 carats, this watch is only available in special Cartier boutiques, usually only through special orders. Cheap Cartier Replica is fully aware that such a watch is a vital niche model. Although its strange history inherently is the authenticity and feeling of the heritage required by the brand to continue to attract the average consumer. Cartier has made outstanding work, year after year to provide interesting and exclusive works to complement the larger scale production of watches and jewelry products.

2013 Cartier Crash Limited edition will debut at SIHH